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Παρουσίαση στα εκπαιδευτήρια Πλάτων στην Κατερίνη,​ Νοέμβριος΄ 24

Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2024-12-16, 10.40.53 μμ.png

27ο Νηπιαγωγείο

Περιστερίου  (Δεκέμβριος 24)

Το Η Μαγική Κιμωλία (παιδικός σταθμός- Νηπιαγωγείο στις Αχαρνές)

 φιλοξένησε τον Παρφέ​  (Απρίλιος 24)

Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2024-05-13, 10.43.02 πμ.png

Το τρενάκι (παιδικός σταθμός- Νηπιαγωγείο

στο Παλαιό Φάληρο)

 γιόρτασε την ημέρα παιδικού βιβλίου παρέα

με τον Παρφέ!​  (Απρίλιος 24)

Nelyland (παιδικός σταθμός- Νηπιαγωγείο

στην Κατερίνη)  (Ιούνιος 24)

Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2024-05-13, 10.43.22 πμ.png

7ο Δημοτικό σχολείο

Νέας Φιλαδέλφειας  (Απρίλιος 24)

Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2024-05-13, 10.56.24 πμ.png

23ο Νηπιαγωγείο

Καλλιθέας  (Απρίλιος 24)


Παρουσίαση στα εκπαιδευτήρια Πλάτων στην Κατερίνη,​ Μάιος 23

Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2024-12-16, 10.40.53 μμ.png

Presentation at the Nelyland nursery-kindergarten!!














Where we were preparing our colorful handmade kite, a fairytale surprise awaited us. The equally colorful  Ice Wonder who is both human and ice cream and book story together, came to our school together with his... mom, author Sofianna Paidousi! We traveled to the land of diversity, with games, musical and motor activities, storytelling, painting and constructions, we dressed up...Ice and we promised him that we will respect our neighbor, whether we are at school or at home or anywhere else. Have a nice trip, Ice! Come on, come back to us!

Source: Nelyland Kindergarten School

Book no.1

Visit to the 5th Primary School of Veria!



When Ice Wonder and his "spiritual mother" are given the unique opportunity to meet all the students and all the students in all the classes of a historic Primary School, such as the 5th Primary School of Veria, and to share with them its secrets..." North Pole", the least they can do is to thank the school's Director, Lefteris Hairistanidis, and the teaching staff from the bottom of their hearts. Ice feels immense gratitude for the love, acceptance and support! 

See you again!!!















"On Thursday, October 17, 2019, we had the honor of hosting the writer Sofianna  Paidousi at our school.


Mrs. Paidousi presented her book "Ice Wonder" to the students of our school. An excellent book that touches on a major problem of our modern times and torments many parents, teachers and especially students in the small society of the school: school bullying(bullyihg). The essential communication and contact created by the author with the children, as well as the representation of scenes from the book by the children,  with the guidance of the author, resulted in the children "entering" the story of the book. To get messages, to understand what it means to bother and bully my classmate, what it means to accept my classmate for his uniqueness.

The principal Mr. Hairistanidis   Lefteris and the educational staff of our school thank you very much for the presence of Ms. Paiousi at our school".

Source: 5th Primary School of Veria

Σοφιάννα Παϊδούση στη Βέροια/ Παρφές/ Sofianna Paidousi
Book no.2

Parfes from the North... in Nostos, Corfu

Ice Wonder thanks... in person the kind and hospitable staff of Nostos Food Hall in Corfu, after the end of a wild kid's book party!











The occasion was Ice Wonder's  "book tour" on the island of Faiakon and the fairy tale of the author Sofianna Paidousi, for young and old, in a kid's friendly event, with theatrical play, face painting, prize draws, surprise ice creams, music, dance and games, which has never been done before, in an award-winning (for its wonderful sweets and not only) place with a high aesthetic and artistic approach.





The fairy tale of Ice Wonder by the author Sofianna Paidousi, for young and old, ends in a wild kid's book party, at the Nostos Food Hall in Corfu.
The occasion was Ice's "book trip" to the island of Faiakos and the kid's friendly event, with a theatrical play, face painting, prize draws, surprise ice creams, music, dancing and a game, the likes of which has never been done before, on the last day of summer please, in an award-winning (for its wonderful homemade sweets) space with a high aesthetic and artistic approach.
Enjoy a characteristic medley hd video, edited by the author herself, with some of the best of moments and all the young and old protagonists, who together with the animator Angeliki and Ice himself, of course, left their mark on the coming autumn!












Small - almost from... cradle - and big, "dressed up" children, are creatively involved with the favorite hero Ice, of the writer Sofianna Paidousi, at the Nostos Food Hall in Corfu, with the educational medium of the theater game and accompanying... ice creams, music, dancing, face painting and gifts, because... this is a kid's book party!







Σοφιάννα Παϊδούση στo Νostos Κέρκυρας/ Παρφές/ Sofianna Paidousi
Σοφιάννα Παϊδούση στo Νostos Κέρκυρας/ Παρφές/ Sofianna Paidousi
Σοφιάννα Παϊδούση στo Νostos Κέρκυρας/ Παρφές/ Sofianna Paidousi

The most kid's party of the summer!!! 
Aqua Nova Events, Litochoro, Pieria, 4/8/19

 Ice will meet all his friends for the first time and treat all the kids to ice cream!!!

Ice, moved and proud, feels the need to warmly thank everyone, young and old, from the bottom of his heart, for the undivided and unexpected, in the middle of summer, support, for four whole hours, at the most kid's book party in Aqua Nova Events in Gritsa Litochoro.
He promises you that because 12 liters of frozen homemade lemonade, with organic coconut sugar and mint, countless cans of homemade popcorn, over 200 ice creams in all flavors, a huge Ice Wonder
 cake..., was obviously not enough for everyone, the first time, the next time - which won't be long, be sure - everything will be much more...

Σοφιάννα Παϊδούση στo Acqua Nova Πιερίας / Παρφές/ Sofianna Paidousi
Σοφιάννα Παϊδούση στo Acqua Nova Πιερίας / Παρφές/ Sofianna Paidousi

After all, your love is priceless. Ice's new girlfriends and friends, who didn't stop playing and taking pictures with him, together with the animatorIce Wonder (Dimitra, special thanx!!!), from Thessaloniki, Katerini, Litochoro, Ptolemaida and from other parts of Northern Greece and Thessaly, they are just as invaluable in the fight against school bullying and this is something that Ice himself would like us to remember, all of us, always and after August!

Hyg. Special mention (thanks) goes to the owner of Aqua Nova Events, the... artistic director (Hercules, you rule...) and the kind staff, for the warm hospitality at all levels! Have a nice rest of summer!

Σοφιάννα Παϊδούση στo Acqua Nova Πιερίας / Παρφές/ Sofianna Paidousi

If you want us to organize an amazing themed party for you or your child, with Ice as the main character and as a guest...


Contact us!


© 2022 Fairytales by S. A. Paidousi. 

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